ON 18.12.2016 AT 1200 HOURS
In the open se of the North Adriatic a chance of fog, mostly along the italian coast. Tomorrow morning in the Velebit Channel and in the extreme North a risck of gusts of NE winds, 35-45 knots.SYNOPSIS
A ridge of high is getting weaker over the Adriatic.WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE ADRIATIC FOR THE FIRST 12 HOURS
Calm, or NW winds, 4-12 knots, during the day in the open sea of the South and of a part of the Central Adriatic up to 16. Sea 1-2, in the South Adriatic 2-3. Visibility 10-20 km, locally arround 5 km due to mist, in the open sea of the North Adriatic less then 1 km due to fog, mostly along the italian coast.WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE NEXT 12 HOURS
In the North and in a part of the Central Adriatic variably cloudy, during the morning light rain, mainly in the open sea. Elsewhere mostly clear, during the day moderate cloudy. In the night a risk of fog patches, in the North Adriatic also of a fog. In the North Adriatic light to moderate NE and E winds, during the morning locally fresch E winds, in the Velebit Channel and in the extreme North NE winds. In the South and Central Adriatic light to moderate SE and E winds. Sea smooth to slight.
PMC - Split Description