ON 31.08.2018 AT 0600 HOURS
In the North Adriatic, from the middle of the night also in a part of the Central Adriatic a chance for light isolated thunderstorms. In the North Adriatic at times gusts of NE wind 35-40 knots, diminishing towards midday.SYNOPSIS
A field of a little raised air pressure is weakening slowly over the Adriatic.WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE ADRIATIC FOR THE FIRST 12 HOURS
In the South and Central Adriatic calm or wind from variable direction up to 10 knots, from midday SE and SW winds intensifying to 4-14 knots while in the North Adriatic NE wind 8-18, at the foot of Velebit up to 22 knots, diminishing towards midday and turning to SE and SW wind 8-18 knots. Sea 1-2, in the North Adriatic, in the afternoon also in the Central Adriatic 2-3 while still forenoon 4 locally at the foot of Velebit. Visibility 10-20 km. Mostly clear with moderate cloudiness in places while in the North Adriatic variably cloudy and a chance for showers and thunder.WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE NEXT 12 HOURS
Light to moderate SE and SW winds while in the North and Central Adriatic locally reinforced. Sea smooth to slight. Moderate cloudiness in places. In the North Adriatic, from the middle of the night also in a part of the Central Adriatic variable cloudiness and a chance for showers and thunder.
PMC - Split Description